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Give a helping hand for poor people

All posts by Olufemi Martins.

10 Essential Needs of Nigerian Public Schools

10 Essential Needs of Nigerian Public Schools

A good number of pupils in our public schools do not have enough clothing, food, education and healthcare. Being disadvantaged means deprived economically, politically and socially. They hardly get opportunities. They have inadequate nutrition, higher…
Why We Need Vocational Education?

Why We Need Vocational Education?

Blue collar jobs or vocational careers are still not the favourites of the masses. Parents want their children to have ‘professions’ or white collar jobs; technical jobs or blue collar jobs are still considered lower…
Is Education a Privilege?

Is Education a Privilege?

Over ten years ago, I worked in a private school in Nairobi, Kenya. People who haven’t had a chance to travel often have a skewed vision of Africa. I had certain expectations when I got…