A safe, and sound school structure is the first step to providing children with a brighter future.
The BAF School Improvement Programme (BSIP) is aimed at ensuring pupils of public primary schools are provided with befitting and effective learning environment.
The school remodeling and renovation project is one of the flagship projects of the foundation, one of the core operational philosophies of the foundation is ensuring the learning environments of pupils are both adequate and conducive for learning.
The task of providing suitable learning environments for children is enormous and varies from school to school. We have developed a system that defines the type and extent of interventions projects the foundation will carry out at beneficiary schools.
Before we remodel a school, work with the state education board and Local Governments to identify potential schools with a high need for safe and reliable infrastructure.
We establish contact with the local government of the identified schools that are in need of our intervention. We then begin to assess the schools to understand the level of support (New build or Repair) to provide.
Together with the help of partner organization and passionate sponsors, we build a befitting and safe structure within a few months.
Building a school is the first step to providing children with quality education. So we don’t just hand over the keys, we maintain a relationship with these schools to ensure sustainability and also become beneficiaries of our other programmes.
The foundation has extensively turned around 2 public schools namely Yaba Model Nursery and Primary School and Nathan Nursery and Primary School both in Surulere LGA, Lagos.
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